§ 106-34. Installation and operation standards adopted; exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • In order to ensure adequate illumination of public rights-of-way and promote safety and security, the American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting of the Illuminating Engineering Society, as approved by the American National Standards Institute (1983), and as from time to time amended, is hereby adopted as the standard for the installation and operation of lighting in the unincorporated areas of the county, with the following exceptions:


    Lighting fixtures installed within the public rights-of-way to be operated for the purpose of street illumination shall comply with the following standards. The minimum average horizontal footcandle illumination level by roadway classification shall be:

    Major 1.2 0.9 0.6
    Collector 0.8 0.6 0.4
    Local or residential 0.6 0.5 0.3


    The uniformity of illumination shall be such that the point of lowest illumination shall have at least one-third of the average horizontal footcandle required illumination level, except that on local or residential streets it may be not less than one-sixth of this average. The fixtures shall be mounted a minimum of 25 feet above the ground, and each fixture shall have appropriate arm length to illuminate the street.


    Any party requesting permission to install or operate lighting fixtures within public rights-of-way shall furnish plans and specifications to the director for approval showing how the proposed lighting meets the standards, and no lighting shall be installed or operated without this approval. Should the director disapprove the request to install or operate lighting fixtures within any public right-of-way, he/she shall communicate the disapproval in writing to the party requesting approval. The written communication shall include the specific reasons for disapproval. Any disapproval of a light or lighting system by the director may be appealed to the board of commissioners. If any party desires to appeal an adverse decision by the director, a notice of appeal shall be filed with the director within 30 days from the date following the written notice of disapproval. It shall be the responsibility of the director to transmit forthwith to the board all papers and allied documents constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken, and to ensure that the appeal is promptly placed upon the agenda of the board for its determination. The board may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify date of the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from.


    Roadway or street lighting luminaries or fixtures installed within the public rights-of-way as security lights or for the purpose of lighting areas other than the public streets shall be mounted on the side of the pole opposite from the street, and shall be oriented in such a manner to ensure that the lateral light distribution pattern is parallel to the street and the vertical light distribution, at the initial light source, is perpendicular to the street, so as to protect the users of the street from objectionable glare. The approval of the department shall be obtained before installation of these lights.


    Other lighting fixtures to be installed within or outside of public rights-of-way for whatever purpose shall be installed and operated in such a manner to prevent glare from being a hazard to or interfering with the normal use of the public rights-of-way.

(Ord. of 2-27-79, § 9; Ord. of 6-10-86, § 5; Code 1977, § 3-23-32; Ord. of 7-27-95; Amd. of 3-22-11)