Cobb County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 134. ZONING |
§ 134-162. General description of zoning districts.
The following general descriptions apply to the various zoning districts:
R-80 (single-family residential, 80,000-square-foot lot size). The R-80 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the R-80 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RR (rural residential). The RR district is established to provide locations for large useable areas for limited residential, agricultural, park and open space needs. This district also serves to correlate growth with utility, service and transportation needs until urbanization is warranted. RR uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses should be located within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the RR district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
R-40 (single-family residential, 40,000-square-foot lot size). The R-40 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the R-40 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
R-30 (single-family residential, 30,000-square-foot lot size). The R-30 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the R-30 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
R-20 (single-family residential, 20,000-square-foot lot size). The R-20 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the R-20 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
R-15 (single-family residential, 15,000-square-foot lot size). The R-15 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the R-15 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
OSC (Open space community overlay). The OSC overlay district is established to encourage the preservation of natural resources within residential development. The overlay district may be overlaid upon the R-80, R-40, R-30, R-20, and R-15 zoning districts. Land and water are protected by limiting land disturbance and decreasing the percentage of impervious surface within the planned community, and by adding flexibility to site plan design. Open space design is intended to result in more efficient use of land, lower development infrastructure costs, and the conservation of land for recreation or aesthetic and environmental enrichment. It is not the intent of this overlay district to increase overall development densities, but to allow for the stipulated densities of the underlying zoning district. However, there is an opportunity to earn an additional ten percent density, not to exceed the recommended densities of the Cobb County Future Land Use Map. It is also the intent of the overlay district to encourage design flexibility and development that is complementary to surrounding existing neighborhoods. Open space community (OSC) plans are approved as site plan specific.
R-12 (single-family residential, 12,000-square-foot lot size). The R-12 district is established to provide locations for single-family detached residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for low and medium density residential categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses or residential uses are developed within the R-12 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RD (residential duplex). The RD district is established to provide locations for the development of affordable single-family detached or attached owner-occupied residential dwelling units, including duplexes. The dwelling units are to be designed so as to be placed on an individual lot attached to another dwelling unit or on an adjoining lot where the units will be attached by common party wall. This residential use is designed to be located within or on the edge of properties delineated for medium density residential categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the RD district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RA-4 (single-family attached/detached residential). The RA-4 district is established to provide locations for the development of single-family detached or attached residential dwelling units including the combination of duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes. The dwelling units are to be designed so as to be placed on an individual lot attached to another dwelling unit or on an adjoining lot where the units will be attached by a common party wall. This residential use is designed to be located within or on the edge of properties delineated for low and medium density residential categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses or residential uses are developed within the RA-4 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
PRD (planned residential development). Commencing April 14, 1999, no new applications for rezoning to the PRD planned residential development district will be accepted by the board of commissioners. The PRD district is established to encourage and provide flexible site plan and building arrangements under a unified plan of development rather than a lot-by-lot regulation. The developer benefits from better land utilization and design flexibility. Review of an approval of the development plan by the board of commissioners provides an opportunity to ensure that the development will be in harmony with the character of the neighborhood in which the development is located. The PRD district may be located within any residential category as defined by the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. The PRD district is not intended to encourage greater density of development, but rather to encourage ingenuity and resourcefulness in land planning to ensure the provision of park and recreation land and facilities for the use of the occupants of the development in order to obtain a more desirable environment. PRD development shall be consistent with surrounding development. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RA-5 (single-family attached/detached residential). The RA-5 district is established to provide locations for the development of affordable single-family detached or attached residential dwelling units, including the combination of duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes. The dwelling units are to be designed so as to be placed on an individual lot attached to another dwelling unit or on an adjoining lot where the units will be attached by a common party wall. This residential use is designed to be located within or on the edge of properties delineated for medium density residential categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the RA-5 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
SC (suburban condominium residential district). The SC district is established to provide locations for the development of low maintenance residential condominium dwelling units, including the combination of single-family houses, duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes. The dwelling units are to be designed so as to be attached by a common party wall. This residential use is designed to be located within or on the edge of properties delineated for medium and high density residential, neighborhood activity center and community activity center categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses or residential uses are developed within the SC district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwelling units and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter.
RA-6 (single-family attached/detached residential). Commencing April 4, 1996, no new applications for rezoning to the RA-6 district will be accepted by the board of commissioners. The RA-6 district is established to provide locations for the development of single-family detached or attached residential dwelling units including the combination of duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes. The dwelling units are to be designed so as to be placed on an individual lot attached to another dwelling unit or on an adjoining lot where the units will be attached by a common party wall. This residential use is designed to be located within or on the edge of properties delineated for medium density residential categories center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the RA-6 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RM-8 (residential multifamily). The RM-8 district is established to provide locations for multifamily residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within properties delineated for medium and high density residential and regional activity center categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the RM-8 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent multifamily detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains and/or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
FST (fee simple townhouse residential). The FST district is established to provide locations for affordable attached residential dwelling units (six, eight or ten units per acre) or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any medium or high density residential categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the FST district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains and/or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RM-12 (residential multifamily). The RM-12 district is established to provide locations for multifamily residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within properties delineated for high density residential and regional activity center categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the RM-12 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent multifamily detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains and/or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RM-16 (multifamily residential). Commencing April 4, 1996, no new applications for rezoning to the RM-16 district will be accepted by the board of commissioners. The RM-16 district is established to provide locations for multifamily residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within regional activity center categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the RM-16 district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent multifamily detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter.
MHP/S (mobile home park/subdivision). The MHP/S district is established to provide for the subdivision of property into individually owned lots on which a trailer or mobile home may be located. Acreage within floodplains and/or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RDR (recreational outdoor golf driving range). Commencing July 1, 1997, no new applications for rezoning to the RDR district will be accepted by the board of commissioners. The RDR district is established to provide locations for outdoor recreational golf driving ranges. The RDR district could be located within any category except industrial as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When located within or adjacent to residential properties, the permitted facility within an RDR district should have minimal effect on the neighborhood by utilizing as much natural open space as possible, and installing and allowing for adequate buffering for the facility and parking areas, as well as consideration for public safety, as required by this district. It is not the intention of this district to promote ancillary retail sales as the primary use of the property.
MHP (mobile home park). The MHP district is established to provide for rental of individual pads or lots for the placement of mobile homes or trailers. Acreage within floodplains and/or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
RSL (residential senior living facilities). The RSL district is established to provide locations for the development of residential living facilities, both assisted and independent, for tenants age 55 and older which shall not be established as a precedent for any other residential or nonresidential district. This residential use is designed to be located within properties delineated as a regional activity center, community activity center or neighborhood activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. This residential use is also designed to function as a cut-off for nonresidential uses within an activity center and a transitional use to residential uses adjoining activity centers.
LRO (low-rise office). The LRO district is established to provide locations for low scale professional offices and other nonretail commercial uses such as offices and nursery schools, which are on properties delineated within or on the edge of a neighborhood activity center, community activity center or regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When located on the edge of a neighborhood activity center node as defined by the comprehensive plan, the LRO district should provide for office uses that are low in intensity to ensure compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter.
CF (future commercial). The CF district was originally established as a zone designated for future commercial use with no immediate right to use or occupy the zone for commercial purposes until an applicant shall have been regularly and properly granted specific zoning for the purposes described in districts NS, PSC, GC, O&I or TS. Under the comprehensive amendment to the zoning ordinance, the board of commissioners resolved that an owner of property currently designated CF, and not developed, shall have until January 17, 1996, within which to commence development pursuant to the previous conditions. Commencing development shall mean applying for a rezoning to an appropriate zoning district, obtaining a building permit, and beginning construction on the development. If such development shall not occur by January 17, 1996, such portion of the undeveloped and unzoned property must be brought in for rezoning to another district which is compatible with the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990, prior to any future development. Additionally, no new applications for CF zoning may be accepted.
LRC (limited retail commercial). The LRC district is established to provide locations for specialized or limited low intensity shopping facilities which are on properties delineated within a neighborhood activity center, community activity center or regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan, A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. These convenience shopping facilities should have low intensity retail commercial uses that have a neighborhood-oriented market and which supply necessities that usually require purchasing with a minimum of consumer travel. Areas zoned for the LRC district are appropriately located at or adjacent to intersections as opposed to the edge of a neighborhood activity center. The LRC district may also be used to provide step down nodal zoning away from more intensive commercial uses within a community activity center or a regional activity center. The scope at which properties are developed within the LRC district should reflect their relatively small neighborhood service area. Additionally, properties developed within the LRC district should be architecturally compatible with other nonresidential uses permitted within a neighborhood activity center as defined by the comprehensive plan and the neighborhood residences they serve.
NRC (neighborhood retail commercial). The NRC district is established to provide locations for convenience shopping facilities which are on properties delineated within a neighborhood activity center, community activity center or regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. These convenience shopping facilities should have retail commercial uses that have a neighborhood-oriented market and which supply necessities that usually require frequent purchasing with a minimum of consumer travel. Areas zoned for the NRC district should be located at or near an intersection within the center of a neighborhood activity center as opposed to the edge of a neighborhood activity center. The NRC district may also be used to provide step down nodal zoning away from more intensive commercial uses within a community activity center or a regional activity center. The scope at which properties are developed within the NRC district should reflect their relatively small neighborhood service area. Additionally, properties developed within the NRC district should be architecturally compatible with other nonresidential uses permitted within a neighborhood activity center as defined by the comprehensive plan and the neighborhood residences they serve.
O&I (office and institutional). The O&I district is established to provide locations for nonretail commercial uses such as offices and financial institutions, which are on properties delineated within or on the edge of a community activity center and a regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. The office and institutional district is designed primarily to provide for four-story and smaller office developments, office uses, motels, hotels, banking and professional offices that complement and provide step down nodal zoning away from more intensive commercial uses and otherwise to implement the stated purpose of this chapter.
UVC (urban village commercial). The UVC district is established to provide locations for planned mixed use development of low intensity, low scale commercial, office and residential uses, not subdivided into customary streets and lots and which will not be subdivided. This is intended to encourage compatible mixed uses within the boundaries of properties delineated within or on the edge of a regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. This district is not appropriate for properties delineated as neighborhood activity center as the board of commissioners finds that community activity centers and regional activity centers are the only categories befitting to house urban-oriented uses and their requirements as set forth in this chapter. When located on the edge of a community activity center or regional activity center node as defined by the comprehensive plan, the UVC district should provide for office and retail uses that are low in intensity to ensure compatibility with adjacent single-family detached dwellings and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter. Acreage within floodplains and/or wetlands shall be excluded when calculating the overall density of the development.
PVC (planned village community). The PVC district is established to provide locations and encourage flexible site plans and building arrangements under a unified plan of development rather than a lot-by-lot regulation for retail commercial and service uses which are designed and oriented to be self-sufficient neighborhoods making up a community. The developer benefits from better land utilization and economy in the provision of roads and utilities and overall site design. Projects developed within the PVC district should be designed to compact unified retail centers within the center of the community. Projects developed within the PVC district should occupy a quadrant of an intersection and only have ingress and egress from a route approved by the department of transportation which is delineated within a community activity center and regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. Additionally, the desired quadrant location will provide for planned developments, one-destination shopping and service locations to serve the community, and to minimize traffic congestion.
CRC (community retail commercial). The CRC district is established to provide locations for retail commercial and service uses which are designed and oriented to serve several neighborhoods making up a community. Projects developed within the CRC district should be done so as compact unified centers. Ideally, projects developed within the CRC district should occupy a quadrant of an intersection, which is delineated within a community activity center and regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. Additionally, the desired quadrant location will provide for planned developments, one-destination shopping and service locations to serve the community, and to minimize traffic congestion.
RMR (residential mid-rise). Commencing April 4, 1996, no new applications for rezoning to the RMR district will be accepted by the board of commissioners. The RMR district is intended to provide for higher density residential uses (not to exceed 33 DUA) located in areas designated as regional activity centers as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990.
OMR (office mid-rise). The OMR district is established to provide locations for uses such as offices, financial institutions, and accessory retail sales and service uses (four to eight stories) which are on properties delineated within a regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990.
RHR (residential high-rise). Commencing April 4, 1996, no new applications for rezoning to the RHR district will be accepted by the board of commissioners. The RHR district is intended to provide for higher density residential uses (not to exceed 66 DUA) located in areas designated as regional activity centers as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990.
UC (urban condominium residential). The UC district is established to provide locations for the development of high rise residential condominium dwelling units, including the combination of low and midrise condominium buildings. The dwelling units are to be designed as pedestrian oriented, within close proximity to employment centers. This high rise residential use is designed to be located within or on the edge of properties delineated for regional activity center categories as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses are developed within the UC district, they should be designed and built to ensure intensity and density compatibility with adjacent land uses and otherwise to implement the stated purpose and intent of this chapter.
OHR (office high-rise). The OHR district is established to provide locations for uses such as offices, financial institutions, and accessory retail sales and service uses (eight to 24 stories) which are on properties delineated within a regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990.
OS (office/service). The OS district is established to provide locations for office and business distribution/service facilities, and assembly processes which do not emit noise, vibration, smoke, gas, fumes, odors or radiation and are located entirely within an enclosed building which do not involve manufacturing or fabrication of any products. No principal retail sales are allowed unless specified in this article. These uses are allowed on properties delineated within a RAC category, ICA category or an industrial category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990.
NS (neighborhood shopping). The NS district is established to provide locations for retail commercial and service uses which are designed and oriented to serve two to four neighborhoods and are located in areas delineated within a community activity center or regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. Commencing January 1, 1991, no new applications for rezoning to the NS district will be accepted by the board of commissioners. Any existing developed NS zoning/use located outside of a community activity center or regional activity center shall be deemed to be a grandfathered, nonconforming use and subject to those provisions contained in this chapter. Should any undeveloped property zoned as NS outside a community activity center or regional activity center fail to commence development by January 17, 1996, the owner of such property shall be required to bring the property back in for rezoning consistent with the comprehensive plan prior to any development. Obtaining a building or grading permit for such development shall be deemed to be commencing development.
PSC (planned shopping center). The PSC district is established to provide locations for retail commercial and service uses which are designed and oriented to serve several neighborhoods making up a community. Projects developed within the PSC zoning district should be done as compact, unified centers. Projects developed within the PSC zoning district should occupy a quadrant of an intersection, with ingress and egress only from a major collector street or state highway, within an area delineated within a community activity center or regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 22, 1990. Any existing developed PSC zoning/use located outside of a community activity center or regional activity center shall be deemed to be a grandfathered, nonconforming use and subject to those provisions contained in this chapter. Should any undeveloped property zoned PSC outside a community activity center or regional activity center fail to commence development by January 17, 1996, the owner of such property shall be required to bring the property back in for rezoning consistent with the comprehensive plan prior to any development. Obtaining a building or grading permit for such development shall be deemed to be commencing development.
TS (tourist services). The TS district is established to provide locations for commercial and service uses which are oriented toward automotive businesses and interstate and state highway travelers. The board of commissioners has determined that TS zoning will only be allowed on properties designated as community activity center, regional activity center, industrial compatible and heavy industrial as identified in the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. See section 134-226(11) for those uses no longer appropriate.
GC (general commercial). The GC district is established to provide locations for retail commercial and service uses which are oriented toward automotive businesses, are land intensive with a need for major road access and visibility, and are located in areas delineated within a community activity center and regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. Commencing January 1, 1991, no applications for rezoning to the GC district will be accepted by the board of commissioners for properties located in areas delineated within and shown on the comprehensive plan. This shall only apply to industrial-compatible and industrial areas. Any existing GC district, developed or undeveloped, located within an area delineated within an industrial-compatible area or industrial area as shown on the comprehensive plan, shall be deemed to be a grandfathered, nonconforming use after January 1, 1991, and subject to those provisions contained in this chapter. Any existing developed GC zoning/use located outside of a community activity center or regional activity center shall be deemed to be a grandfathered, nonconforming use and subject to those provisions contained in this chapter. Should any undeveloped property zoned GC outside of a community activity center or regional activity center fail to commence development by January 17, 1996, the owner of such property shall be required to bring the property back in for rezoning consistent with the comprehensive plan prior to any development. Obtaining a building permit or grading permit for such development shall be deemed to be commencing development. Due to the fact that general commercial has been the predominant commercial zoning district since its inception in 1972, the board of commissioners has determined that certain uses previously permitted are no longer appropriate for properties within an area delineated as a community activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. See section 134-227(12) for those uses no longer appropriate.
RRC (regional retail commercial). The RRC district is established to provide locations for intense retail commercial, office or mixed uses which exceed 500,000 net square feet and which are designed and oriented to serve a regional market making up a community. Projects developed within the RRC district should be done so as compact unified centers. Ideally, projects developed within the RRC district should occupy an area adjacent to or having good access to interstate highways, which is delineated within a regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. Additionally, the board of commissioners requires an applicant seeking an RRC zoning district to participate in the Atlanta Regional Commission's major development area review, as amended from time to time.
IF (future industrial). The IF district was originally established as a zone designated for future industrial use with no immediate right to use or occupy the zone for industrial purposes until an applicant shall have been regularly and properly granted specific zoning for the purposes described for the LI or HI district. Under the comprehensive amendment to the zoning ordinance, the board of commissioners resolved that an owner of property currently designated IF, and not developed, shall have until January 17, 1996, within which to commence development pursuant to the previous conditions. Commencing development shall mean applying for rezoning to an appropriate zoning district, obtaining a building permit, and beginning construction on the development. If such development shall not occur by January 17, 1996, such portion of the undeveloped and unzoned property must be brought in for rezoning to another district which is compatible with the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990, prior to any future development. Additionally, no new applications for IF zoning shall be accepted.
LI (light industrial). The LI district is established to provide locations for light industrial uses such as low intensity automobile repair and service, animal care facilities, commercial greenhouses, livestock, poultry, business distribution centers, warehouse and storage, and transportation terminals, which are on properties delineated within or on the perimeter of an industrial-compatible or industrial category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When located on the perimeter of an industrial node, the LI district should provide for uses that are low in intensity and scale such as to ensure compatibility with surrounding properties.
HI (heavy industrial). The HI district is established to provide locations for heavy industrial uses such as intensive automobile repair and service, heavy manufacturing, chemical manufacturing and storage, petroleum or petrochemical storage, warehousing and storage, which are on properties delineated within an industrial category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990. When located on the perimeter of an industrial node, the HI district should provide for uses that are lower in intensity and scale such as to ensure compatibility with surrounding properties.
(Ord. of 12-26-72; Ord. of 12-11-90, § 3-28-4.0; Ord. of 8-13-91; Ord. of 5-12-92; Ord. of 2-22-94; Ord. of 10-25-94; Ord. of 2-28-95; Ord. of 2-27-96; Ord. of 6-24-97 (eff. 7-1-97); Ord. of 6-23-98; Ord. of 3-9-99; Ord. of 4-13-99; Amd. of 2-24-15)