§ 134-279. Self-service storage facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose and intent. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum standards for use, site development, construction and placement of self-service storage facilities and allow service convenience that satisfies the needs of the citizens of the county. Self-service storage facilities (SSSF) shall be permitted within the light industrial and heavy industrial classification. Effective January 1, 1998, no new applications for a special land use for self-service storage facilities (SSSF) are to be accepted by the board of commissioners.


    Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:


    Dead storage means storage of goods partly not in use and not associated with any principal commercial or manufactory use.


    Self-service storage facility (SSSF) means a fully enclosed facility containing independent bays, which are leased to individuals exclusively for dead storage of goods or personal property.


    General regulations.


    Use limitations. No wholesale or retail sales are permitted. A self-service storage facility included within a planned commercial or planned industrial development shall have a minimum of one acre devoted exclusively for such use. The only commercial activities permitted exclusively on the site of a self-service storage facility shall be rental of storage bays and pickup and delivery of goods or property in dead storage. Storage bays shall not be used to manufacture, fabricate or process goods, to service or repair vehicles, boats, small engines or electrical equipment, or to conduct similar repair activities, to conduct garage sales or retail sales of any kind, to rehearse or practice utilizing band instruments, or for conversion to an apartment or dwelling unit, or to conduct any other commercial or industrial activities on the site.


    Security quarters. A residential quarters for security purposes may be established on the site.


    Fencing. The self-service storage facility shall be enclosed by a fence or wall a minimum of six feet in height. The fence or wall shall be constructed of either brick, stone, masonry units, wood, chain link, cyclone or other similar materials to be approved by the division manager of zoning or his designee. The fence or wall shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the side and rear property lines. Fences and walls shall adhere to the required front yard setback. This requirement will be inapplicable should the facility comply with subsections (f)(6)a and b of the landscape requirements of this section.


    Storage bays not to be used as legal address. Individual storage bays within a self-service storage facility shall not be considered premises for the purpose of assigning a legal address in order to obtain an occupational license or any other governmental permit or licenses to do business.


    Prohibited storage. Except as provided in this section, all property stored on the site shall be entirely within enclosed buildings. Storage of flammable liquids, highly combustible or explosive materials, or hazardous chemicals is prohibited.


    Minimum lot size. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the minimum lot size for a self-service storage facility shall be one acre.


    Building setbacks.


    The front setback shall be:


    Fifty feet on arterial streets.


    Forty feet on major or minor collector streets.


    Forty feet on local nonresidential streets.


    The side setback shall be:


    Twenty feet adjacent to residential and O&I zoned property.


    Ten feet on the side where all doors face internally adjacent to commercial or industrial zoned property.


    The rear setback shall be 30 feet.


    Access. A self-service storage facility shall be located on a lot that gains access to a local nonresidential, major collector or arterial street as defined in the major thoroughfare plan.


    Outside storage. Open storage of recreational vehicles and dry storage of pleasure boats of the type customarily maintained by private individuals for their personal use shall be permitted within a self-service storage facility provided the following conditions are met:


    Such storage shall take place only within a designated area. The area so designated shall be clearly delineated upon the site plan submitted for approval by the board of commissioners when applying for a special land use permit.


    The storage area shall not exceed 25 percent of the total buildable area of the site.


    The storage area shall be entirely screened from view from adjacent residential and office areas and public streets by a building or by the installation of a six- or eight-foot-high wall or fence. If existing vegetation or topography provides the required screening, then this wall or fence requirement may be eliminated upon approval by the division manager of zoning or his designee.


    Vehicles shall not be stored within the area set aside for minimum building setbacks.


    No vehicle maintenance, washing or repair shall be permitted on-site. Pleasure boats stored on-site shall be stored upon wheeled trailers. No dry stacking of boats shall be permitted on-site.


    Development regulations.


    Separation between storage buildings. If separate buildings are constructed, there shall be a minimum ten-foot separation between individual buildings. Buildings shall be situated or screened so that overhead access doors are not visible from public roads or residentially or office and institutionally zoned property.


    Maximum bay size. The maximum size of a storage bay shall be 450 square feet.


    Maximum building height. With the exception of the structure used for security quarters, the maximum height of a self-service storage facility shall be one story unless additional stories are approved by the board of commissioners upon issuance of the special land use permit. The height of the building shall not exceed 20 feet. Roof-mounted air conditioning and other equipment, if utilized, shall be screened from view. The combined height of the building and the parapet wall shall not exceed 25 feet. All self-service storage facility shall utilize gable roofs with not less than a two and 12 slope.


    Exterior architectural treatment. The exterior facade of all structures shall receive uniform architectural treatment, to be approved by the division manager of zoning or his designee.


    Parking requirements.


    Generally. Designated customer parking is not required; however, a minimum of five parking spaces shall be provided adjacent to the facility's leasing office, if a leasing office is located on-site.


    Interior parking. Interior parking shall be provided in the form of aisleways adjacent to the storage bays. These aisleways may be used for both circulation of traffic and user parking while using the storage bays. The minimum width of these aisleways shall be as follows:


    If aisleways permit two-way traffic, minimum width is 24 feet.


    If aisleways permit only one-way traffic, minimum width is 20 feet.

    Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the traffic flow patterns in the aisleways shall be clearly marked. Parking shall consist at a minimum of the use of standard directional signage and painted lane markings with arrows. In order to ensure appropriate access and circulation by emergency vehicles and equipment, the turning radii of the aisleways shall be approved by county department of transportation and the fire marshal at the time of plan review.


    Landscape requirements. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted with the development plans at the time of plan review for approval. Landscaping shall be provided in the areas between the property lines and the required fencing. This area shall be designated as a perimeter landscape strip. Landscaping shall be designed, placed and maintained in such a manner not to interfere with traffic visibility. A landscape strip of at least 20 feet in width shall be provided along all street frontages. The side and rear yard setbacks shall remain in their natural state or be re-landscaped when the self-service storage facility adjoins residentially or office and institutionally zoned property. If the existing vegetation is inadequate to buffer adjoining office and institution or residential development, an eight-foot-high wall shall be installed along interior property lines and street setbacks. The following minimum planting requirements shall apply as follows and shall supersede the landscape buffer and screening requirements of the NRC, CRC and GC zoning districts:


    A minimum of one tree shall be planted for each 20 feet of perimeter landscape strip.


    Immediately upon planting, trees shall be a minimum of ten feet in height.


    The provisions outlined in subsections (1) and (2) of this subsection do not negate the requirements outlined within chapter 50, article VI, pertaining to tree preservation and replacement, or any additional requirements that may be required by the board of commissioners.


    If a hedge is to be installed in the perimeter landscape strip, the hedge shall be 24 inches in height upon planting, with the material planted every 24 inches on center. All planting shall be maintained in good condition by the property owner.


    If the perimeter landscape strip is to remain undisturbed or natural, utilizing existing vegetation, then the requirements of subsections (1) through (4) of this subsection can be eliminated except for the landscape plan. The landscape plan shall indicate the limits of the perimeter landscape strip.


    In the absence of adequate vegetation, in addition to a perimeter landscape strip, an eight-foot-high wall is to be constructed between a residential or office and institutional property line and the storage bays. The wall may be dispensed with along that portion of the perimeter landscape strip when all the following are met:


    The exterior facades of the storage buildings present an unbroken, wall-like appearance when seen from adjacent residential or office and institutional properties or rights-of-way. Storage bay doors shall not face towards adjacent residential or office and institutional properties or rights-of-way. This shall not prevent the installation of fire access doors, if mandated by the fire marshal.


    The exterior facades of separate storage buildings are joined by walls to give appearance of structural continuity.


    The resulting area between the outer face of the buildings and the property line or right-of-way is maintained and appropriately planted as a landscaped buffer utilizing berms, plantings and existing vegetation and approved by the division manager of zoning or his designee.


    There are no aisleways or other vehicle accessways located in the area between the building and adjacent residential or office and institutional property lines or rights-of-way.


    Dumpsters and trash receptacles. Dumpsters and trash receptacles shall be located where they are not visible from adjacent residentially zoned properties, and adequately screened from view from all other adjacent properties and streets. Dumpster locations are to be approved by the staff during the plan review process.




    Maximum number. One freestanding sign shall be allowed for each lot frontage on which a self-service storage facility has access to a public dedicated street. In addition, one flat wall-mounted sign may be utilized.


    Maximum height. The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed 20 feet.


    Maximum sign area. The maximum total sign structure area for a freestanding or wall-mounted sign shall not exceed 100 square feet. If a ground base sign is utilized, the maximum total sign area may be increased to 120 square feet.


    Prohibited signs. The following types of signs are prohibited on the site:


    Off-premises outdoor advertising signs.


    Signs placed on the doors of individual storage bays.


    Roof-mounted signs.

    Signs attached to a required wall or fence are also prohibited, but may be approved by the division manager of zoning or his designee and a code enforcement officer.


    Outdoor lighting. All outdoor lights shall be shielded to ensure that light and glare are limited to the premises and are directed away from adjacent properties. Lights shall be low intensity. If a self-service storage facility abuts a residentially zoned property, outdoor lighting shall be limited to a maximum height of 15 feet.


    Use of loudspeakers. No exterior loudspeakers or paging equipment shall be permitted on the site.

(Ord. of 4-11-89; Ord. of 12-11-90, § 3-28-17.5; Ord. of 2-9-99)