§ 6-207. Work permits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    For whom required. It is the responsibility of the licensee and designee as stated in section 6-92(g) to ensure that the employees required under this Code section obtain and possess the required work permit issued by the county police department prior to working. Employees for the purposes of this section shall include independent contractors. Failure of an employee to possess a work permit while selling or serving alcoholic beverages, as required by this section, shall be unlawful and will subject the employee and licensee to prosecution as provided in this chapter and shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of the license. A permit to work in any of the following establishments shall be required of the following:


    All employees of package stores.


    All employees of convenience stores.


    All employees of businesses with a pouring license who serve or sell alcohol, which shall include waitresses, waiters, and bartenders.


    In all businesses for which an alcohol license has [been] issued, except as provided in section 6-207(b), all managers, employees serving in a managerial capacity, and any employee providing security whether or not any such persons sell or serves alcohol.


    Not required. A work permit is not required of the following:


    The licensee to whom an alcoholic beverage license has been issued under this chapter.


    An approved substitute licensee, as approved by the business license division.


    Any person authorized by law to serve alcoholic beverages and is working at a temporary, non-profit fundraising event for which an alcoholic beverage license has been issued under this chapter.


    Any person authorized by law to serve alcoholic beverages and is working at a temporary trade show event for which a temporary alcoholic beverage license has been issued under this chapter


    Application, issuance, denial. Except as otherwise provided, no person requiring a work permit may be employed by an establishment holding a license under this chapter until such person has been issued a work permit from the county police department indicating the person is eligible for employment. All applications required by this section shall be filed with and investigated by the police department, and such investigation shall include, among other things, an investigation of the criminal record, if any, of the applicant. No work permit shall be issued by the police department if the applicant has violated any of the provisions of section 6-206 hereof. Any applicant who is denied an alcoholic beverage work permit shall have the right to appeal such decision to the license review board. Appeals to the license review board regarding the denial of an alcoholic beverage work permit must be filed with the business license division within 30 days of the denial. After a hearing, the license review board may approve or deny the work permit. The decision shall be final unless appealed in accordance with 6-207(i). In addition, after the hearing, the license review board may approve or recommend to the board of commissioners approval of a work permit to an employee whose application was originally denied based upon any conditions deemed appropriate by the license review board, pursuant to section 6-207(i). Denied applicants who fail to file a timely appeal shall not be authorized to reapply for an alcoholic beverage work permit for 12 months from the date of the denial.


    Training of permit holders.


    Licensees are required to provide information to all permit holders on provisions of the law of this state and ordinances regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages to intoxicated and underage persons and the penalties for violating such laws and ordinances.


    Licensees shall provide regular information, company alcohol sale/service policies and training to all permit holders on the methods, procedures and measures to be taken in order to request, obtain and examine proper identification of patrons to be certain that such patrons are of legal age to purchase alcoholic beverages. Training shall include the methods, procedures and measures to be taken in order to refuse sale/service to underage or intoxicated patrons. Training shall provide permit holders with the opportunity to demonstrate and practice skills required in order to comply with company policies for responsible alcohol sale/service. Training shall include a discussion of how permit holders alcohol sale/service practices shall be monitored and enforced by management as well as law enforcement. Training shall include a discussion of the management and law enforcement consequences for violations. Training shall include a pre/post test to determine whether training objectives were met and by whom. Evidence of such training records shall be made available upon request for inspection by the county.


    Detailed records of such training, including the content, date, time, persons attending and copy of any pre/post test, shall be maintained for a minimum of 36 months after the training. Evidence of such training records shall be made available upon request for inspection by the county.


    The failure of the licensee to comply with this subsection regarding the training of permit holders shall be grounds for due cause to suspend and/or revoke the license to sell alcoholic beverages.


    Permit term. Any work permit issued under this section shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance unless earlier suspended or revoked as provided in this section.


    Possession of permits by employees. Employees holding permits issued pursuant to this section shall at all times during their working hours have the permits available for inspection.


    Exclusion. This section shall not apply to private clubs.


    Work permit requirement. At all times that the business is open the licensee shall have at least one person on the premises who has a valid work permit.


    Grounds for suspension, revocation. No permit which has been issued or which may hereafter be issued under this section shall be suspended or revoked except for due cause as defined in this subsection, and after a hearing and upon written notice to the holder of such permit of the time, place and purpose of such hearing and a statement of the charge or charges upon which such hearing shall be held. A minimum of three days' notice shall be provided to the applicant or permit holder. "Due cause" for the suspension or revocation of the permit shall consist of the violating of any laws or ordinances regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages or for the violation of any state, federal or local ordinances set out in section 6-206; or for the omission or falsification of any material in any application; or for any reason which would authorize the refusal of the issuance of a permit; or any violation of this chapter. All hearings shall be before the license review board and shall be conducted in the manner provided in section 6-147.

    After the hearing, the license review board may decide to:


    Approve the work permit by an affirmative vote by a supermajority of the license review board. In such cases, the approval shall be final;


    Approve the work permit by an affirmative vote of less than a supermajority of the license review board. In such cases the board of commissioners shall, within 60 days of the license review board's decision, review a summary of the appeal or show cause hearing before the license review board wherein the work permit was considered for issuance and the board of commissioners after such review will either concur with recommendations of the license review board or choose to place the matter down for a hearing; or


    Deny, suspend or revoke the work permit, when it is determined that due cause exists. The employee whose work permit was denied, suspended, or revoked may appeal the license review board decision to the board of commissioners. The board of commissioners shall, within 60 days of the license review board's decision, review a summary of the appeal or show cause hearing before the license review board wherein the work permit was considered for issuance, suspension or revocation (the summary shall be prepared by the business license division manager) and the board of commissioners after such review will either concur with recommendations of the license review board or choose to place the matter down for a hearing.

    Should the board of commissioners place the matter down for hearing the board of commissioners, after such hearing, may issue or deny the work permit, or suspend or revoke the work permit. After the final determination by the license review board or board of commissioners, a representative of the business license office will notify the Cobb County Police Department Permits Unit of the decision. If the permit was approved for issuance, the Cobb County Police Department Permits Unit will notify the applicant that the permit has been approved. The employee whose work permit was not issued or whose work permit was denied, probated, suspended or revoked may appeal the board of commissioners decision pursuant to section 6-147 hereof. The decision of the board of commissioners may be appealed by filing a petition for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of Cobb County within 30 days of the decision of the board of commissioners.


    Notwithstanding any of the provisions in this section, any permits issued through administrative error or an error in the completion of a background investigation may be terminated by the director of public safety or his/her designee.

(Ord. of 8-14-73, art. IV, § 34; Ord. of 3-24-87; Res. of 9-22-87; Ord. of 10-24-89, § I; Ord. of 9-25-90; Ord. of 5-11-93; Ord. of 3-25-97 (eff. 4-1-97); Code 1977, § 3-4-61; Ord. of 8-10-99; Ord. of 7-10-01 (eff. 1-1-02); Ord. of 1-24-06; Ord. of 7-25-06; Ord. of 2-26-08; Amd. of 2-23-10; Amd. of 2-22-11; Ord. of 2-28-12; Amd. of 7-28-15; Amd. of 2-23-16)