§ 94-2. No smoking policy.
The U.S. Surgeon General has designated smoking as a major factor influencing premature death and disability in our nation. To ignore this finding, in light of the tremendous volume of evidence supporting this conclusion, would unjustly prejudice the rights of our nonsmoking citizens. A no smoking policy is hereby established. The board of commissioners directs all agents and employees of the county to adhere to these established rules in all facilities owned or occupied by county government activities.
In this county, smoking will be permitted only in designated smoking areas. Smoking is not permitted in the following areas:
Employee work areas, unless they meet the guidelines established in this section.
Reception areas, hallways, restrooms and lounges.
Medical facilities.
Auditoriums, conference rooms, meeting rooms and public assembly areas.
No smoking signs will be placed in all elevators, hallways, restrooms and public meeting places. Employees and citizens should note that it is a violation of state law (O.C.G.A. § 16-12-2) to smoke in an area which has been designated with a no smoking sign.
Persons with private offices may designate their office as a smoking permitted area. Offices so designated must have floor-to-ceiling walls and adequate ventilation which disperses smoke-saturated air. Doors must remain closed during smoking. Smoking signs must be posted.
Each department head may designate certain areas as smoking areas. If additional areas are designated, they must meet all guidelines of this section. In making these designations, attempts should be made to accommodate the needs of all smoking and nonsmoking employees and citizens using the facility.
(Mo. of 4-28-87; Code 1977, § 3-2-11.1)
State law reference
Smoking in public places, O.C.G.A. § 16-12-2.