A judge of the state court Division I and Division II may appoint some qualified person
as a judge pro hac vice to discharge the duties of a judge temporarily when the services
of a pro hac vice are required or when a judge is absent or unable or disqualified
to discharge the duties of his or her office. In the event a judge is unable to make
such appointment, the chief judge of the state court shall do so. When the appointment
of a person as judge pro hac vice, together with his or her oath, which shall be the
same as required of the judge, has been recorded in the office of the probate court
of the county, such pro hac vice may exercise all the powers of the judge of the state
court. The appointment may be vacated at any time by order of the appointing judge
to be likewise recorded, and any other competent person who is a resident of Cobb
County may be appointed as judge pro hac vice as herein provided. The compensation
of such judge pro hac vice shall be set by the judges of the state court and shall
be paid from county funds.